- Toys
What does 1 number straight up in roullete pay?
There are two types of Roulette tables, American andEuropean.In American Roulette there is a zero and a double zero on thetable, making your single number st
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- Swimming Pools
How many gallons does it take to fill a 15 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep?
It is difficult to determine the capacity of a container withoutall of the parameters. However, a container that is six feet anddiameter, three feet long, and
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- Swimming Pools
When you are at a 70 ft pool how many laps for a mile?
It would take about 21.5 lengths (10.8 laps) to equal onemile.
- Swimming Pools
How many gallons of water are in a pool 28 feet by 14 feet with an average depth of 5 feet?
In One Cubic Foot There Is 7.4805 Gallons. To Get Cubic Feet OfA Square Or Rectangle Multiply length X width X depth = Cubic Feet28 Ft. Length X 14 Ft. Width
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- Swimming Pools
What do you do if you have shocked your pool seven times but there is still algae?
i shocked my pool several times and it is still green. come tofind out that the leaves that had been falling in my pool wereeating up the the chlorine level.
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- Exercise
How many laps in a 25 yard pool equal 1.2 miles?
22 laps in a 25 yard pool is equal to 1/3 mile. In competitiveswimming, 66 laps or 1650 yds. is what is considered a mile. Ifswimming a 50 meter pool, 1,500 m
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- Math and Arithmetic
What would 9.9 second time in 100 yard dash convert to if it was 100 meters?
It would convert to 10.5 seconds for 100 meters.
- Math and Arithmetic
How many years are the paralympic?
It started at 2000 it has been around for 12 Years as old as metrust me and die
- Golf
If you swing and ball does not move is it a stroke?
Yes. From the Rules, available at www.usga.org: "A "stroke'' is the forward movement of the club made with the intention of striking at and moving the ball, but
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- Math and Arithmetic
How many miles per hour can Usain Bolt reach?
Usain Bolt can reach up to 23.35 miles per hour
- Football - American
How long is a football field in miles?
0.0568 miles
or 0.0682 if you include the end zones.
- Tennis
What is the circumference of a tennis ball in millimeters?
A standard volleyball is 65.024 centimeters in circumference(25.6 inches), but some balls vary and can be up to one inchlarger.
- Swimming
In a 30 meter pool how many laps make a mile?
Swimming does burn calories at a rate of about 3 calories a mileper pound of bodyweight. If you weigh 150 lbs. and it takes you 30minutes to swim one mile (1,
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- Swimming
How many laps in a 32 foot pool equal a half mile?
An olympic sized swimming pool is the standard for allcompetition pools, training pools and nearly all public pools. Itis 50 metres long. A lap is 2 lengths (
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- Swimming Pools
How many gallons of water are in a 15X30 oval above-ground pool?
Cannot be answered with only these measurements. You need to specify what shape the pool is. Also, for a rectangular pool, the length, width and depth are neede
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- Football - American
How many cubic yards of air are there in a room 120 yards long and 53 yards wide?
Cubic yards are a measure of volume which requires a length, awidth, AND a height. To calculate the number of cubic yards of airin a room (assuming no furnitu
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- Tennis
Does a tennis ball bounce higher when it is warmer or colder?
Hot.Personal experiments have shown that temperatures below 25°Cmake the ball bounce less. From 25°C and upwards there aren't anygreater changes in h
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- Football - American
What is the measurement of a football field?
Can be anywhere from 80 decibels to 130 decibels in a collegestadium. Of course, the field is usually quite silent, apart fromthe gentle rustle of blades of g
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- Swimming Pools
How many gallons of water to fill a pool that's 12' round and 30 high?
Look, this is simple geometry...look it up...stop playing games,you need to know some of this stuff. I really must insist! AnyWay.... Total Volume of a cylind
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- Sports
Which sport uses a piece of equipment 5foot wide and 9 foot long?
Table tennis gear is incredibly easy and inexpensive. The desk is rectangular, 9 through 5 ft (2.7 through 1.5 metres), its top floor a degree airplane 30 inche
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- Math and Arithmetic
How many liters does a bath hold?
A bath can generally be of 100 liter, 150 liter or 200 litercapacity.The Biblical volume measure of a Bath (as used in 1 Kings 7 todescribe the capacity of t
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- Math and Arithmetic
How many times do you have to run around a quarter mile track to reach 400 yards?
As any quarter-miler will tell you, a little less than once.(5280ft/mi)/(3ft/yd)=1760yd; (1760yd)/4=440yd= 1 quarter mile;400yd<440yd.
- Math and Arithmetic
How do you convert a 5000 meter race time into the equivalent 3 mile race time?
2 miles is 3200 meters. So, you need to deduct from your twomile time your average 200 meter time when you run two miles. Forexample, your 2 mile time is 12 m
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