Meet and talk to people with an Ostomy (2025)

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Meet and talk to people with an Ostomy (1)


Managing Leaks - Barrier Rings and Flange Adherence

Mar 18, 2023 - Mar 28, 2023

After my surgery, I had issues with leaks, mostly related to my belly button. Since then, I started using barrier rings, and that helped eliminate the leaks.
I see that many on this forum do not use the barrier rings. How does that work for you? How do you keep the flange from lifting up?

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14 replies | 1024 views

Meet and talk to people with an Ostomy (2)


Where the heck is Bob... again?

Dec 15, 2022 - Nov 10, 2023

Howdy gang,
Sorry, I've been away (as it seems is usual). Does it upset you when people who are active on here disappear without a trace? It sort of makes you think the worst, doesn't it? Well... I'm about to disappear. For how long, I don't know... could be a month or two, or maybe forever... we have no way of knowing these things. But since it bugs me when folks simply drop offline... becaus ...

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35 replies | 1926 views

Meet and talk to people with an Ostomy (3)


Stoma Flattening After Hospital Stay

Nov 14, 2022 - Nov 17, 2022

I just got out of the hospital two hours ago. Got home and it was time to change my ostomy.
I'm trying not to freak after the last few days but my stoma is flat all of a sudden, even slightly indented.
Is this normal, or related to all the meds they have given me the last 4 days or????
I did leave a message at ostomy

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6 replies | 796 views

Meet and talk to people with an Ostomy (4)


Struggling with a Rare Autoimmune Skin Disorder

Oct 20, 2022 - Oct 24, 2022

So, some of you know I have been fighting blisters and painful conditions under my skin barrier. I was able to get into a local dermatologist after the VA doctor would not see me. He took a biopsy of my skin, gave me antibiotics, and some medication to try. The biopsy came back today, and it has been identified as a very rare autoimmune disorder which causes the body to attack the second layer ...

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10 replies | 643 views

Meet and talk to people with an Ostomy (5)


Concerns about 50 Shades of Green output?

Feb 09, 2022 - Feb 21, 2022

50 Shades of Green
Is there a "standard color chart" for loop ileostomy output? I know there are guidelines for "quantity amounts" but haven't really read or heard about technicolors.
I have had my ileostomy for 1 year and 1/2 now and have had every shade of the rainbow without concern - as it's usually directly related to what I have eaten.
Lately though with some stomach issues I have had (n ...

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26 replies | 1232 views

Meet and talk to people with an Ostomy (6)


Dealing with post-surgery stress and depression - seeking advice

Dec 23, 2021 - Mar 04, 2022

Since my permanent ileostomy surgery Oct/18, I find I have a real hard time dealing with stress, leading to depression. Never had this problem before surgery, but the cause of the stress/depression is not related (directly) to ileostomy concerns. I just find now, after surgery, Stress hits me way harder and have hard time dealing with it, causing depression.

Has anybody else exper ...

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32 replies | 3047 views

Meet and talk to people with an Ostomy (7)


Reflecting on One Year with My Ileostomy

Dec 10, 2021 - Dec 16, 2021

Hi, my friends.
It's just come up to one year since having my ileostomy. Not going to lie, at first, I hated the bloody thing after all I didn't know I was having it. Throughout the year, I have had so much help and support from you guys. I think I would be in deep doo-doo if I hadn't come across this site, so thanks for being my crutch. I've learned just about anything and everything regardin ...

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8 replies | 941 views

Meet and talk to people with an Ostomy (8)


Concerns about reddish brown stoma output after drinking beetroot juice

Feb 03, 2021 - Mar 21, 2021

Yesterday, I drank some beetroot juice - slowly over the course of an hour or so.
Since then, my output has been very liquid and very heavy - and the color is a reddish brown.
How long should I wait to see if the color is related to the beetroot juice, or if there is another reason - like bleeding? I am not asking for a medical decision, just wondering if anyone else has experienced this probl ...

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11 replies | 3919 views

Meet and talk to people with an Ostomy (9)


New Ileostomate with Questions and Gratitude - Seeking Advice

Nov 11, 2020 - Nov 17, 2020

Hi folks, I am back home from my loop ileostomy surgery, got home Monday. I have a newly minted stoma and so far, fingers crossed, it seems to be functioning as it should. I still have my stoma from my colostomy, so temporarily I will have two holes, oh well, it's only for a while. My old stoma has basically gone to sleep, although it still puts out a little mucus as someone forgot to send it ...

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20 replies | 2186 views

Meet and talk to people with an Ostomy (10)


Gratitude for the Community

Oct 06, 2020 - Oct 11, 2020

Good Morning, O'mates~

I was just looking back through all the Topics that have been posted since I joined this site; the first was dated 9/6/2020, so I joined a month ago!

During this time, I have read so many interesting posts regarding not only ostomy-related topics or dating, but Life. From thoughts about daily miracles, to observations on seemingly mundane subjects, to laughter-evoki ...

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9 replies | 1099 views

Meet and talk to people with an Ostomy (11)


Excessive Stomach Noises with Colostomy - Seeking Advice

Sep 22, 2020 - Nov 22, 2021

I have a colostomy and I'm not sure if this is related to it, but my stomach is constantly gurgling and making very loud swishing noises. It's constantly moving. It's not just after I eat, it's pretty much constant throughout the day and at night. It's almost too embarrassingly loud that I don't even want to be around people. I didn't have this problem before, but it seems to have gotten worse ...

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8 replies | 8813 views

Meet and talk to people with an Ostomy (12)


Seeking Advice on Passing Stones with Ileostomy

Apr 26, 2020 - Feb 15, 2023

Wondering if anyone has had any situation/experience with passing of stones. Staying hydrated but wondering if it is related to electrolytes, etc. Just reaching out to the community. Thks

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18 replies | 2662 views

Meet and talk to people with an Ostomy (13)


Spicy Food and Stomach Sensitivity

Jan 14, 2020 - Feb 09, 2020

Hi gang!
First you get confused when to use "effect" and "affect"? Yeah, me too. So here's how you remember which to use.........."affect" is something that's done to cheating in sports will "affect" who wins. "Effect" is the result of something that's been "affected" the "effect" of cheating in sports is the cheating team will win more. Just thought I' ...

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12 replies | 8180 views

Meet and talk to people with an Ostomy (14)


Gore-Tex Dual Mesh Lawsuit - Seeking Information

Oct 29, 2019 - Oct 30, 2019

Does anyone know anything about the Gore-Tex dual mesh lawsuit? I just had an abscess and it could be attributed to mesh. I also had surgery in 2015 and 2018, and the mesh that I had put in in 2005 was mentioned. I checked with a lawyer in 2016 and they blew me off, but now I'm having more issues and not sure if it's all related??? Thanks

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2 replies | 1525 views

Meet and talk to people with an Ostomy (15)


Recommendations for Cool Stoma Tattoos?

Oct 04, 2019 - Jun 17, 2020

Hi gang,
Xnine's post with the pic of his younger self holding the CANCER sign over his ostomy bag got me thinking. It might be kind of cool to have a tattoo on your abdomen that uses the stoma/ostomy bag and I'm sure by now someone has done it. So if you've seen or know of any cool stoma-related tattoos, please share. Maybe an arrow pointing to it that says "DO NOT ENTER" or "ONE WAY STREET" ...

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23 replies | 10534 views

Meet and talk to people with an Ostomy (16)


Colostomy Reversal Recovery - Progress and Support

Jan 10, 2019 - Aug 03, 2019

I had a colostomy reversal 2 weeks ago after a gastric perforation related to diverticulitis in Oct 2018. It has been a tough recovery but all seems to be improving at this time. At first, bathroom trips were 4-6 times per day and have become less frequent now. Staples came out yesterday and the wound looks great. Currently on a low fiber diet. Eating small frequent meals. Starting to venture ...

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8 replies | 3666 views

Meet and talk to people with an Ostomy (17)


Finding Perspective - Overcoming Ostomy Stigma

Sep 02, 2018 - Sep 05, 2018

About seven years ago, just about every aspect of my life was ostomy related. From the moment I was told an ostomy might be needed until some months down the road I existed as a person afflicted with a colostomy. I feared someone other than my immediate family might find out I had a bag. Ugh! What could be worse? Suppose it filled real fast when I was out with no place to hide and take care of ...

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7 replies | 2347 views

Meet and talk to people with an Ostomy (18)


Stuck on Ostomy Crossword: Need Help with Clue

Jan 19, 2018 - Jan 24, 2018

This is driving me crazy lol at ostomy support group we did an ostomy related crossword...i got everything but 'stoma care needs to be routine because stool can cause ____' _r_____w_

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5 replies | 2405 views

Meet and talk to people with an Ostomy (19)


Alcohol and Ostomy - Experiences and Advice?

Nov 25, 2017 - Oct 01, 2019

Hi all,
So I have another question, not really related to food specifically, but about alcohol, which I figured could be included in diet. I have very rarely had anything to drink when I have had my ileostomies because I was worried about nausea and accidentally getting too drunk and forgetting to check my bag (so it leaks). What is any of your guys' experience with alcohol in relation to this ...

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23 replies | 17506 views

Meet and talk to people with an Ostomy (20)


Burning, Stabbing Pain at My Stoma

Aug 24, 2017 - Dec 22, 2021

It's been five weeks since my UC got the better of me and I had to have a permanent ileostomy. Really been doing well but three days ago I started having stabbing, burning pain at the stoma site. Doctor today tells me it could (probably is) nerve related. Means it too is likely permanent? OMG. What now? This pain is significant and comes with no warning. I'm not sure I can handle it. Does anyo ...

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Meet and talk to people with an Ostomy (2025)


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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.